Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kaylie & Christine

i did not know kaylie & christine were such awesome ballerinas!!!!!!!!!
well, since last time i posted not a lot has been going on. i did join weight watchers online and so far so good. it is really easy and it's kind of fun to get on line and add up your points and see what you have left for the day, and for the week. i have not been hungry at all and have met my points every day with out wanting or needing to go over. so hopefully by next monday, i will have shed a few pounds.
will is acting like he has another little cold. his eyes and nose are running a little bit and he has a little cough. last night he woke up at midnight, i fed him and he would not go back to sleep like ususal. he wanted to play. he laughed and talked to me until 2am, finally he tuckered out. nights like that are hard, but worth it if he is being sweet and and in a good mood.
kaylie is going back to six flags tomorrow. this will be her fourth time in 2 weeks. she finally got up the courage to ride every ride there. i'm glad, because before, she was not fun to go to six flags with, nor was it worth the money it cost to get in.

will taking a 3 hour nap today!

will trying to give jake a kiss on the arm!this is the first real attempt at eating cereal! messy!getting ready for bedthis is another movie, so make sure you pause my playlist so you can hear him laughing. he does laugh better than this but every time we get out the video camera, he gets camera shy!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I have been awfully busy lately. I have not lost any more weight, i have been traveling this week, and i am now finally sitting down to write a few words. so, i am about to get on line and join weight watchers.com and see if this will help me at all. i can't lose the weight and now i'm so discouraged i've been eating the house down. i will update my joining weight watchers next week.
i had to go to houston for a few days and leave my baby for the first time. it was awful. i left after i put him to bed monday night and i shed a few tears on my way out the door. it was so sad leaving him, even though i know spencer is able and willing to do the same things i do with him everyday. i wondered if he didn't see me for 3 days, would he forget me? well, he didn't forget me. he actually missed me very much.
last week, we went to kelli's for a night just to get out of the house and get my hair done. tucker looks like he has lost a little weight. he grew a bit so it makes him looks smaller in weight, but he's still a big one, 8 months old, 29 inches, and 25 lbs.
just fyi for the movie below, kaylie made a video in the car on the way to ardmore, and i just thought it was funny.

tucker had a cold, but is still just as sweet as ever. he passed that cold on to will and he was sick for the whole following weekend. will had his first fever, cough, and runny nose, thanks to his cousin!will, trying to be big like tucker, but unfortunately, his feet don't touch the ground and he is being held upright by a blanket stuffed down in there.here is will at home in his horse jumperoo, same story as above.

kaylie just being her usual self!!!!!!!! you might want to pause the play list at the top of my blog before hitting play.